
Omega became a personal trainer in 2008. In 2009 she won 3rd place in the national competition of the NPC (National Physique Committee) in the bikini division. She obtained her NASM certified personal trainer certification while studying Exercise Science at Azusa Pacific University. Omega finished her degree in Exercise Science at Concordia St. Paul and has been a personal trainer for 10+ years. For 2 years Omega worked as a Clinical Exercise Physiologist and helped many people with complex metabolic conditions and chronic injuries regain functional independence. This is where Omega started to learn about the importance of hormone balance and exactly what happens when the hormones are out of balance.

In her personal life, almost immediately after her win at the NPC national competition, she was diagnosed with hypothyroid syndrome, which forced her to put a halt on her training and eventually stop competing all together. She quickly gained 30 pounds in 3 months and throughout this time, she didn’t have a period for 6-years. It was during this phase of life that she took an in depth look at how her passion was becoming a contributing factor to her health condition. Because of this, along with adrenal fatigue, PCOS and SIBO she decided to take a deeper look into how her gut, hormones and lifestyle contributed to her dis-eased state. Through this experience of understanding the gut and hormones she also realized that she had hormonal and nutrient imbalances that were leading to PMS. This real life experience of a body out of balance is what inspired Omega start to help other menstruating people understand their hormones, reduce PMS and build sustainable fitness! After helping numerous clients get fit while working with their hormones, she pivoted. In early 2022, she founded the Confident Menstrual Cycle Coaching Academy - a NASM certified continued education course for personal trainers - where she helps them build confidence in optimizing and balancing their client’s hormones using research backed cyclical health, fitness & nutrition.

Copyright 2019 Omega Fit Life