Are your foods aiding in hormone balance?

When it comes to hormonal balance, our daily food intake should do these 5 things for us:

-Blood sugar stabilization
-Reducing Inflammation
-Aiding in Cell Repair
-Cleaning Out the Gut & Supporting Sleep

If your food helps you do those 5 things on a daily basis, your hormones will be set up for balance and you’ll have an easier time feeling and staying healthy.

In this newest youtube video, I talk with my friend Raven about specific superfoods that helps us do all of those things I mentioned above.

Although I don’t talk about my personal food regime often (because every body is different) I have been on this superfood regime for about 2 years now…more of my personal story with these superfoods in this video.

Leave your questions and ideas in the comments below the video. I’m excited to meet you there.

Click here to watch the video.

Omega Zumpano