Reduce Pre-menstrual Bloat with these 8 tips

Pre-period bloat can creep up in your luteal phase, that’s around 11-14 days prior to starting menstruation. 

This can manifest as:

  • Gas

  • Bloating

  • Stomach Cramps

  • & Even Constipation. 

In my latest video, I help you understand why pre-period bloat happens and what you can do about it.

SPOILER ALERT: pre-period bloat occurs because of progesterone. Sorry not sorry.

I’ll explain why progesterone is one of the root causes of pre-period bloat in the youtube video.

I’ll also dive into 

  • Nutrition

  • Teas

  • Exercise

  • & Lifestyle tips

..all to help you relieve bloat, gas and pre-period gastric upset you may experience before your period.

Dive into this video by clicking this link. Leave a comment telling me your biggest takeaway. You know I love hearing from you!

All my love,

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