Cardio + Yoga = Perfect Luteal Phase Movement Routine

As you probably already know, in your luteal phase (about 11-14 days before your period), your movement intensity should decrease, like to the intensity in this cardio yoga flow movement routine.

Why though?

Progesterone, the hormone that is peaking in your luteal phase, increases your cortisol a little bit.

Testosterone and Estrogen, two hormones that help you have energy, make muscles and heal muscles is very low in this phase too.

Less energy + more cortisol = the hormonal need for lower intensity movement.

So this is your low intensity cardio yoga flow for your luteal phase.

It will help you:

  • maintain your strength

  • relieve muscle tension

  • support your cardio system

Do this movement routine with me and leave me a comment, letting me know how you liked this one.

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