Menstrual Cycle Holiday Eating Guide

So many of us enter the holiday season with the fear that we’re going to gain weight, pushing us further from our “new year’s resolution”.

But I want to give you a cycle-focused way to support your hormones instead of feeling fearful about weight gain. Click this link to watch the new youtube video

When we enter into this joyful time with this fear, it can almost be like a self fulfilling prophecy.

So let’s get 3 things straight here:

1. If you gain weight it’s not the end of the world

2.If you support your hormones, holiday weight gain doesn’t necessarily need to be true

3.The average American gains one measly pound over the holiday season…one!

If you support your hormones throughout this holiday season, you will be setting yourself up for success.

I’m showing you how in this new youtube video. Click here to watch it now.

Leave me a comment letting me know which phase of the cycle you’ll be in over the holidays. I’ll be in my late luteal phase!

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