My journey as a Menstrual Cycle Coach

My journey as a menstrual cycle coach

This blog post is a little different from my other videos because I want to go in depth about my journey as a menstrual cycle coach and how I got to where I am.

So before I dive into my journey, why I started and my education, I want to share something a client shared with me. Because regardless of why I started, it’s notes like these that actually keep me going. This is one of the personal trainers that I got to work with in the Confident Menstrual Cycle Coaching Academy and she used to take 9 motrin each cycle just to manage her pain. Just by following the cyclical grocery suggestions that I lay out in the program, this is her first cycle EVER where she didn’t have period pain. Can I get an AMEN?!

So that’s what I’m doing now, here is what got me started. My hormones got screwed!Many of you have watched this video on how my fitness coach screwed my hormones where I shared a little bit about my background as a bikini competitor. It was during this time in my life that my hormones got royally screwed! I lost my period, was diagnosed with hypothyroid syndrome and most shockingly told that losing my period was actually normal!!! It took screwing up my hormones to actually get to a place where I felt curious on how to balance my hormones.So often, when we have hormone problems, we feel in the dark and isolated..I know I did. So If you’ve ever had any weird hormonal issues.

My journey working in a clinical setting

Fast forward about 6 years, I end up working in a functional neurology clinic where the male doctor actually takes into account where a client is in their menstrual cycle when doing blood tests. …then I learned about how our patients' immunity changed with their cycle. …then I learned about how high estrogen could interfere with our patients weight loss goals. The light bulbs started going off. 

What got me started as a Cyclical FitnessIt was a couple years later that my friend, Ariel, who started the Menstrual Balancing Supplement Company, Ova Moon, reached out and wanted my professional opinion as an exercise scientist on a piece of literature she found. 

The piece of literature was on how BMR (the amount of calories we burn each day) changes throughout the menstrual cycle. And I was hooked. At this point in my life, I had already been a personal trainer and exercise scientist for a collective 10 years, so I started reading more research about the cycle and applying what I learned on myself. Then I started applying it to my clients.

The results astounded me, not only did I start reducing my really intense PMS symptoms like anxiety, breast tenderness and depression - I talk about that journey in this video… I started gaining more muscle and losing more fat too. And I saw similar results in my clients also. It was then that I decided that, ya know, I need to take this to a different level, I can’t be working on 1:1 clients anymore, I have to be working in a group setting. So then, I developed the Fitness Flow Method, where I help people with a menstrual cycle get fit, reduce PMS and master their hormones so that they can feel their best all month long.

But then I said to myself, “you need to help other personal trainers do the same thing you’ve done”. 

Personal Trainer Education

So just a few months ago I created a continued education certification for personal trainers to go from not understanding the hormones to to becoming an hormone expert so that you can not only help  their clients become the fittest, but also most aligned with their cycle so that their clients (and themselves) can be empowered in every area of life.

So if you are a personal trainer who wants to become an expert and receive continued education for doing so, apply for the confident menstrual cycle coaching academy. This course is application only and the application process is really simple.All you need to do is click this link to book your application call. From there, you’ll choose a time for a call. On our call I’ll ask a few application questions and together, you and I will decide if working together is a fit for both of us.