Posts tagged cycle syncing
3 mistakes I made as a personal trainer who didn’t know about hormones

But finally there is valid research being done on women’s fitness and how nutrition inter-play with menstrual cycle fitness. So this post is going to be about the mistakes I made as a trainer that just did not serve female clients in retrospect.

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Luteal phase workout for Nutrition for Strength and Muscle

looking for the truth about menstrual cycle “cycle syncing” diet. We’ll look in depth at the luteal phase workout nutrition to help personal trainers customize the menstrual cycle.

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Meaning of PMS

Menstrual Cycle HELP!!! This covers how to REDUCE PMS. We’ll cover how to optimize your hormones to reduce PMS. PMS, cramps, pms cravings, pms bloat, water retention & pms mood swings.

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pre workouts and women's health

Pre workouts explained for women (2022 edition) - hormone balance & caffeine. What do pre workouts do for hormone balance + Best pre workouts for women.

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STOP making your clients count MACROS!

Macros & Female Health? #iifym might not be good for hormone health. For female fitness, lets step away from macros and start looking at micronutrients.

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Personal Trainers, stop messing up your clients luteal phase!

Personal trainer hormone education!!! Luteal phase = pms. Learn how to support pms and train with the menstrual cycle for hormone health.

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Caffeine and Hormones

Coffee and Menstrual Cycle? How caffeine impacts hormones & hormone balance and what personal trainers need to know. Caffeine & hormones don’t mix well!

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My journey as a Menstrual Cycle Coach

How to become a Menstrual Cycle Coach? My journey as a Personal trainer + hormone balance. Learn how to diet and train with your cycle +++ my womens specialist certification - personal trainer continued education.

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Menstrual Cycle Basics

Personal trainers, learn how hormones impact fitness. Menstrual cycle and exercise basics!!! Learn how to train through the menstrual cycle for female hormones.

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How to become a menstrual cycle coach

This post is going to help you understand the 6 steps involved in becoming a menstrual cycle fitness coach.

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Dear Personal Trainers, Stop Screwing with Client's Hormones

There are certain things in the fitness industry that are just not congruent to supporting our female client’s hormones. This post is going to go over some of those things and give you ways where you can help train and guide your female clients in ways that actually support their hormones.

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4 ways personal trainers can help clients reduce period pain

If your clients are complaining of period pain, working through it or even skipping sessions with you, this is going to help you, help them reduce period pain by arming you with proven strategies that work.

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Why Cycle Syncing Fitness Recommendations need an update

The term cycle syncing was coined and trademarked by Alisa Viti. She founded the Flo Living institute and I wanted to show you her article on the Flo Living site. We’ll cover the follicular, ovulatory and luteal phase recommendations that Alisa makes and I’ll share some updates with ya.

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A Strength Routine for The Menstrual Cycle

Wondering how to build your strength routine to match the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle…and still get yourself or your clients goals. By the end of this blog post, you will understand exactly how to do that.

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4 ways to reduce anxiety-related PMS in your menstrual cycle

If you deal with anxiety, mood changes or irritability prior to your period, this is going to help you understand why that happens and give you physical, emotional & relational tools to help you reduce those negative feelings. I’ll be sharing from my own life experiences and sharing what I did and how you can incorporate it yourself.

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