Posts tagged omega zumpano
3 mistakes I made as a personal trainer who didn’t know about hormones

But finally there is valid research being done on women’s fitness and how nutrition inter-play with menstrual cycle fitness. So this post is going to be about the mistakes I made as a trainer that just did not serve female clients in retrospect.

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Peri / Post menopause nutrition considerations for personal trainers

Personal Trainer Continued Education: perimenopause nutrition & menopause nutrition for womens health - up to date research!

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How Gwyneth Paltrows Fasting can Impact your Menstrual Cycle

Gwyneth Paltro’s viral tik too with her doctor Will Cole talks about fasting, but should women fast? What’s the science of intermittent fasting & the menstrual cycle?

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Meaning of PMS

Menstrual Cycle HELP!!! This covers how to REDUCE PMS. We’ll cover how to optimize your hormones to reduce PMS. PMS, cramps, pms cravings, pms bloat, water retention & pms mood swings.

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Personal Trainers, stop messing up your clients luteal phase!

Personal trainer hormone education!!! Luteal phase = pms. Learn how to support pms and train with the menstrual cycle for hormone health.

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Caffeine and Hormones

Coffee and Menstrual Cycle? How caffeine impacts hormones & hormone balance and what personal trainers need to know. Caffeine & hormones don’t mix well!

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My journey as a Menstrual Cycle Coach

How to become a Menstrual Cycle Coach? My journey as a Personal trainer + hormone balance. Learn how to diet and train with your cycle +++ my womens specialist certification - personal trainer continued education.

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Menstrual Cycle Basics

Personal trainers, learn how hormones impact fitness. Menstrual cycle and exercise basics!!! Learn how to train through the menstrual cycle for female hormones.

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How to become a menstrual cycle coach

This post is going to help you understand the 6 steps involved in becoming a menstrual cycle fitness coach.

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Hormone Health Assessment for Fitness Coaches

If you are a fitness coach who wants to help your clients not only be their fittest but also the most hormonally balanced so that they can be empowered in every area of life, this is going to teach you the assessment method to help you do exactly that.

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Dear Personal Trainers, Stop Screwing with Client's Hormones

There are certain things in the fitness industry that are just not congruent to supporting our female client’s hormones. This post is going to go over some of those things and give you ways where you can help train and guide your female clients in ways that actually support their hormones.

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4 ways personal trainers can help clients reduce period pain

If your clients are complaining of period pain, working through it or even skipping sessions with you, this is going to help you, help them reduce period pain by arming you with proven strategies that work.

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Menstrual Cycle Basics for Personal Trainers

Fitness coaches are missing a large piece of overall health if they don’t understand how hormones impact client’s day to day lives. This blog post is going to help you understand how the female hormone cycle impacts your clients!

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3 Mistakes most personal trainers make with hormone balance

Fitness Coach, by the end of this post you’ll know how to avoid 3 of the most common mistakes personal trainers make when it comes to hormone balance & 3 ways you can support your client’s hormone balance within your scope of practice!

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How to utilize more fat using using your menstrual cycle

Instead of being a personal trainer who doesn’t know how to help your clients work with their hormones, this blog post is going to show you exactly how you can help your clients lose weight using their menstrual cycle.

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How menstrual cycle PMS affects Sports Performance

If you are a coach, athlete or fitness enthusiast, you are going to want to understand how PMS affects sports performance and how you can work around it!

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What to do when a client gains weight before her period

But why does that water retention happen? It’s the hormone aldosterone’s impact on the balance of sodium and potassium within their body around 10 days before they start their period. What can she do about it? I’ll tell you what I do for it myself and how I’ve helped my clients manage it…

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Sore Boobs could mean a lack of nutrition

Breast soreness before the period should be addressed and not ignored! There are 4 easy nutrition tips to help you reduce sore boobs before your period.

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How My Fitness Coach Screwed My Hormones

So once I received the training and nutrition plan from him, I was actually pretty astonished. I was already a personal trainer in 2008, 2009. And I knew that variety of exercise and nutrition were important, but this program didn't have exercise variability at all. And I was literally eating the same things every single day.

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How to Workout on Your Period

Ever wonder HOW and IF you should workout on your period. This blog post will answer all your questions about working out on your period!

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